Monday, August 29, 2011



I wonder if anyone still reads my blog. Just as well that no one reads it, cos it means i'm absolutely free to write about anything I want without having to worry about 'leaking' too much of my inner thoughts to the outside world.

I wanted to start a brand new blog actually, to pen down my thoughts from my travel experiences. But this is so much more convenient.. :p

Then again, my travel journal doesnt contain that much information of the places I've visited; it's largely geared towards the emotions that these places evoked in me. At the end of the day, my journal still revolves around ME, and would not serve as a useful travel guide for would be visitors. Realising this, i know i can never successfully create a travel journal.

Having dinner with J last night made me realised that i've neglected the person who is closest to me. I've failed to 'see into his heart'. He asked me: what's the meaning of life? Yes, this isnt the first time he posed this question at me, rhetorical i might say, he isnt expecting any form of enlightenment from me. I realised i've always heard him, but never listened.

I tried though. I could only speak from experience. I told him we have to let go. Let go of things that burden you down. Wrong decisions were made, that's fine. I still havent quite figured out who i am, that's ok. I still have no idea what i want in life, but that's me. I do not have to be either black or white, i can be grey, and grey is me. Instead of forcing myself to find an answer, what i need to do is the accept that THIS IS ME.

ok with this, i remembered what i wrote in india. A sudden bolt of 'enlightenment' hit me on the roads. With this, my next post.

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