Thursday, June 26, 2008


do i have a choice?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"you don't live on a deserted island;
you can't always do what you want and not care about other people's feelings!" for thought.
quoted from a hk drama me and darling have been glued to recently. it's called 'tang xin sth sth', and it revolves around a family and their issues. meaningful yet touching. i even see a glimmer of myself in one of the characters - in a bad way. it's funny how things always seem so much clearer when you peer in from the outside.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


i'm miffed.

i'm miffed because you made your decision without any consideration of me.

i'm miffed because you are leaving me to carry this burden myself.

i'm miffed because you're leaving behind a pair of oversized shoes, which you know i will have difficulty filling.

i'm terribly miffed, because though you are here, you are not here.

and i'm miffed, because i know i have no right to be miffed, and you have every reason to be selfish.

nevertheless, a small part of me wished that you had just told me first....

anyhow, you have been my teacher and my friend, for that i'm grateful.

so, go, and carve a better future for yourself.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

neglected sorrow

i'm feeling it. i'm feeling the sorrow in the people around me.

that i've failed to notice, or i've noticed but have always pushed these thoughts to a neglected corner of my mind...the word 'busy' being my pathetic excuse.

pardon me for my self-indulgence. but communicating words of consolation effectively has never been my forte.

for me, the best medicine has always been determination and time.

time, the all-time favourite antidote to that broken soul.

you'll be fine, all of you.
i had a long, but rather satisfying day at work. managed to accomplish quite a number of things.

feeling the i see the importance of drawing a distinct line between work and your own space...

cant even type in proper sentences now hah.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

first week of work for my dearest! work hard, darling! i know you'll do very well. :)


it's so easy to be contented sometimes; it seems almost unreasonable.