Monday, November 27, 2006


to hell with phonies

again the issue of being 'over friendly' and 'too approachable' was brought up today. it has given rise to shitloads of nonsense i have had to endure from people. phonies seem to be everywhere these days; i dont know who i can believe anymore. in truth, i know, i've only got myself to blame. my naviety and my stupidity, to be so easily taken in by people, to have such an acute lack of senseeeeee. oh my god..where did my brain juices go to? certainly not to my studies...

it's okay. i'm back on earth now, and i'm determined to stay on earth.

today was boring. spent the morning and early afternoon studying. since i'm safely on earth now, studying was much more productive for the first half of the day, thankfully. went for cheongsam fittings at marine parade (that was freaking far!). tried on 2 of was crap. the first one was soooooooo loose, the 2nd one was alright, but was far from flattering as well. the woman said we cant change the sizes of the cheongsams, not matter how ill fitting they are, cos..they have no other sizes left. basically, what she gives us is what we HAVE to wear. then what is the point of fitting?? waste my time..could have used it on something more constructive..

went off for the second fitting at tanjong pagar. selection of a gown..i always have this idea that the gown is one of the important factor that determine whether you win or lose. it's usually the last piece of clothing that we have to wear, and usually for Q&A as well. i tried on 4..and after much deliberation, settled on a pink tube gown. i looked sweet in it, ahh which is not exactly the effect i want. i want to look sophisticated. pretty even..but not...sweet?? but it's decent, so i guess that's good enough.

and yes, i still have two papers tmr. you may wonder how come i still have time to do so many things, and still blog now..haha..plain laziness is the answer..

ooh can catch me here..haha..dearie pls dun be angry when you read it ya..i was just being cheeky haha. -->

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