Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Idle or not

It's very funny, when I'm bored I wish life could be exciting, full of activities for to me to take part in. I like to be mobile, moving around, doing things, not just idling around. But sometimes when I achieved that, I suddenly feel that it's very tiring to have to keep up with all the bustle around me. Then I feel like stopping, and just let everything race past me, not giving a damn about things. You know, just letting things go... Don' t think so much, don't get affected so much, no worries.. And then a while later, the boredom sets in..

Suffering a little blow with my self esteem.. Lousy mood..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Times of Highs and times of Lows,
sometimes they come, soon they'll go.
What you make of these Highs and Lows,
that is what matters most.

Not what they are because you may hang on and never let go, but what they bring and focus on how you grow as a result of these Highs and Lows.

Sit back, relax, stop and stare...
Enjoy your life!