Monday, April 26, 2010

what went wrong? why have you turned out this way?

an empty soul
a bruised heart
the bottomless pit of loneliness
the feeling that life simply holds no meaning...

we try desperately, frantically, pathetically to fill this gaping hole, but it just doesnt seem to close...

havent we all been through that at some point in life?

i remembered feeling like a lost sheep in the masses of human beings when i was in uni, wondering when this feeling will ever go away.

but we all live through it, dont we?

wise words will fall on deaf ears now, but i'm sure you'll come to realise that, all that have been said, is because

we care. she cares.

actually, i think you already know.

so just please, for your own sake, stop tormenting yourself.

i posted this on this blog 4 yrs ago, when i was 21.


the rest are some of my favourites from;

to being true to yourself...

to love and lost love...

to pleasant surprises...

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