Monday, February 11, 2008


i finally understand. as we grow older, as we reach different stages of our lives, we become wiser, and we see things differently. in the past, i was willful and stubborn. i always wanted things my way. i thought that as long as i am not doing something 'wrong', i should be allowed to do it, despite how it would make other people feel. but now i realised that things don't always work this way. i realised that sometimes persistence can lead to someone else's unhappiness and discomfort. and if that someone is precious and important enough to you, you would not risk anything in the world to jeopardise the relationship. because losing this precious thing, is far more scarier than losing your pride...

you would handle it with care, like you're treading on a piece of very thin ice, afraid that a wrong step would crack this piece of ice and cause you to lose it all irrevocably.

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