Friday, April 27, 2007

money makes the world go round

exams arent over, but it sure does feel as if they are. hehe..i'm just taking it all so easy.

anyway i just read this article on the straits times about the hype over the ministers' pays.

"..for surely it is worrying if ministries - and Singaporeans themselves - work on the basis that the main reason for a young person to choose one course of study over another is the size of his future pay cheque.

What about other considerations, such as love of a subject or the hope of using one's knowledge to improve other people's lives? must be the currency of choice to motivate individuals to do what is difficult or involves personal sacrifice.

It strikes me as reductive, for it makes people out to be mere consumers, driven by their appetites for creature comforts and seemingly devoid of other passions or values.

While we have to accept the rules of capitalism which keep our economy ticking, surely we should remain on guard against its excesses, which can lead to a selfish obsession with material wealth. that is a social ill comparable to the widening income gap and as deserving of attention."

is that all we care money money? would you give up your passion, to pursue a career that guarantees you a larger pay cheque? is that the standard measurement for everything in the world today - the few figures in your bank account?

was just talking to some weird guy last night about rich guys giving diamonds as gifts to women so that they'll go to bed with them. apparently it works. we're indeed living in a materialistic world today, but pray tell me that there are people who still stick by their principles, and are willing to maintain that strand of dignity.

diamonds are a girl's best friend...really?

who are we to judge really, when most of us havent lived a day with an empty stomach. how many of us can claim we know what is poverty? who knows, perhaps that is the extent we would go to also, if we were to experience the same sort of desperation.

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