Friday, March 24, 2006

things waiting


i'm very very tired. must be partly due to the lack of sleep last night.

today is supposedly my rest day. thursday ya. after class, alex drove me to get the donation check. he is really becoming my personal chauffeur these days..must really thank him for all the inconvenience i'm giving him. good boss!

anyway for the donation..there's one person i really have to thank too..that's...davis ng!!! thank you guy....:) you know how much it means to me..

went back home after that, had to make a few phone calls, and my hp bill for this month is exploding. was hoping that without the distraction of my lappie, i could focus on some of my work. unfortunately, fatigue took the better of me and i fell asleep on my comfortable bed.

went back hall to get the bottles for xiaojun n sylvia and then rushed off for meeting at sci. meeting was great. we played this really interesting game, whereby everyone had to introduce their names, for example say how did our names come about, our nicknames, whether we liked our names or not etc. it was fun! there was plenty of laughter. usually when you know someone, their names dont really matter much. it's just a label for a person. but today, without this session, i wouldnt have known that so many weird/funny/interesting stories behind those names. :)

i never really liked my name, because i feel it sounds really guyish. i know quite a few guys who have the same name as me. the ming in chinese character actually means cultured. oh well. as i said, it's the person that defines the name, not the name that defines the person, so i guess the name doesnt really matter.

somehow, i enjoyed myself.

should be getting other stuff done before i blog. seems like my priorities are reversed. sigh. laters.

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