Thursday, September 16, 2004


There are a lot of people around me who are really nice to me.. I'm not blind and I do see them.. Sometimes even I myself feel that I seem to be exploiting the people around me, without meaning to be. I stupidly knocked over my uncapped water bottle yesterday and spilled water onto my laptop. But no worries, all is well. My laptop seemed to be functioning just as well. I was lucky, and also thanks to my friend, who spent time using hair dryer drying it while I was in lecture.

Another friend of mine attempted to give me advice, said I can't be bothered to solve trival matters by myself, and I'm always relying on others to solve them for me. Not something I would like to hear, but the reason why I don't like to hear it is because it's precisely so true. I'm always relying on others to do things for me. Not that I'm not capable od solving problems by myself, I'm sure if I make an effort to actually try in the first place, I would be able to do it. I'm just too plain lazy..and too used to external help.

Those who help me always say, "What will happen if I'm not around?". Yeah thought about that too, what will happen if there isn't anyone to help me... But somehow there is always someone least so far...

1 comment:

@ndre said...

i will always be around =)