Tuesday, September 15, 2009

lesson no. 1:
in order to succeed in life, you must learn how to package your words. never bare all your thoughts out on the table. THINK, process, filter, package, and then present your points systematically, with supporting evidence, and always keeping in mind the objectives.

if you dont filter, you may end up saying things that would turn around and shoot you in the face.

if you're not systematic, you may end up talking about everything else except the point you're trying to make.

if you dont have supporting evidence, your claims will end up crumbling and you'll end up looking really stupid.

if you dont have an end in mind, then sure enough, you'll never get to your end.

there's a reason for everything.

i got to keep all these in mind, because too often i do things based on feel, and not logic. this concept totally does not work out in business.

there IS a REASON for everything.

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