Friday, September 26, 2008


i cant believe i've only written ONE post so far in the ENTIRE SEPTEMBER! Gosh, have I really been that busy? It seems just a while ago that we celebrated our 7th month anniversary, and now we're already at the 8th month. Time really does fly.

Indeed, Sept has been a pretty hectic month, but then again so was August. The anniversary night, the rush for the launch of the new lounges and suites, gary cao's show, followed neck to neck by 24 herbs showcase, and this sat's 933 event...the song 'wake me up when sept ends' is more apt than ever. I crave for a break, some kind of holiday, to anywhere. Honestly, even the thought of sentosa seems welcoming.

Yeah, i'm busy but not that busy. like i mentioned some weeks ago, i'm trying to be kinder to my body now. cutting short all unnecessary late nights, sleeping early, drinking little...taking things in my stride and not trying to push so hard. i mean..seriously man, one has got to chill. at the end of the day, just ask yourself whether it's worth it. if the answer is yes, then go ahead and chase after it with all your might. if it isnt, then take a step back and look at the big picture instead.

ok..dreary subject that half the world won't get what i'm talking about. i'm digressing again.

caught vicky christina barcelona today and i quite loved it. on the surface, it might look frivolous and silly but peer beneath it, it seems to me a very realistic reflection of life. i think there are indeed people around me who suffers from 'chronic dissatisfaction', who regardless of who they are with or what they do, thrive in the belief that life is a tragedy. they flit from one flower to another like a bee, each time finding temporary solace. they go on searching and looking, for that someone or something who can put a closure to the discontentment they feel about life.

even if we do without the psychology portion of the movie, the setting itself is, there is an air of freedom..magic...and romanceee! can't wait to go back to europe one day to tour.

okay time to sleep, nite to the world.

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