Saturday, April 26, 2008


was on site at mos just now for the singapore poly event, to do some data collection. the queue was CRAZY. it went all the way to the clarke quay taxi stand and turned around for a bit. the last time i saw such a queue was perhaps..2 years ago? when the club first opened? haha.

it was an underaged party, so the the queue comprised of mainly young kids, in their 17s, 18s and 19s.

as i glanced at these youngsters, i couldnt help but felt old. i was standing there in my jeans and t shirt, and wondering whether i stood out. i probably didnt look that old; my dress code definitely blended in, but i wonder if old was written across my face. could anyone notice?

there's so much to this world that they arent aware of....

honestly, age is determined by the state of one's mind.

which is worse: looking old, or feeling old?

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