Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"the break-up"

watched the movie "the break up" on sunday. it's my second time watching it. i always thought i liked the movie because it is so realistic. i totally could relate to how jennifer ainston/brooke felt when she was trying to explain to gary the problem and she got so frustrated because he totally couldn't get it.

"i want you to WANT to do the dishes!"

"why would i WANT to do the dishes?!"

the first time i watched it, i was on brooke's side that gary was in the wrong. he was insensitive and childish and taking her for granted. but watching it with dearie again, made me see things from the guy's perspective. brooke may not technically have done anything wrong but she made the mistake of not actually telling him what went wrong.

Brooke: I just don't know how we got here. Our entire relationship, I have gone above and beyond for you, for us. I've cooked, I've picked your shit up off the floor, I've laid your clothes out for you like you're a four year old. I support you, I supported your work. If we ever had dinner or anything I did the plans, I take care of everything. And I just don't feel like you appreciate any of it. I don't feel you appreciate me. All I want is to know, is for you to show me that you care.

Gary: Why didn't you just say that to me?

Brooke: I tried. I've tried.

Gary: Never like that, you might have said some things that meant to imply that, but I'm not a mind reader...

Brooke: It wouldn't matter you are who you are. Just leave me alone ok? Right now, just shut my door.

there's the problem with us, girls. sometimes we like to make too many assumptions. sometimes we just assume that the root of the problem is sooo plain obvious and the guy should be able to read our minds and see what's wrong immediately. we forget the fact that the mind of the male anatomy is wired differently from us. and then we come up with our little self-concocted mind games and schemes to MAKE the guy see the point. sometimes they are successful, sometimes they are not. and when they are not, we point the finger at them and scream," you dont understand me at all!" perhaps sometimes, we should just throw the facts at them. save time, save energy, save potential heartaches and tears.

sometimes, love just ain't enough.

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