venice is truly a city that stands unique. no other place comes close!

arrival at the hotel in venice we stayed at. it's called villa dori, and is located on the venice mainland. not everyone might know that the venice that is popularly known as with all her famous canals and gondolas, is actually an island! an island perhaps the size of pulau ubin. it's possible to finish exploring the island in a day, by foot, and by taking the water buses. anyway the hotel we stayed at had a very venetian/european design to the rooms. very pretty!
the main 'highway' of venice, the grand canal. you can see people having dinner by the river everywhere, roses are plentiful, decorating balconies and cafes.
pretty gondolas, but we didnt get one..because it's supposed to be really expensive
a fishing market ashore, boats parked alongside
beautiful venetian masquerade, they are sold everywhere in venice.
me and the..erm..3 white angels!
the busiest bank in venice, near st mark's
taken on another small island called murano, slightly further from venice
i ate gelato everyday when i was in italy!
hot gondola man!! whoo hooo~ most of the gondola men and the store vendors are young, tanned, and very good looking. a very strange sight! not the usual lao ah pek that i had expected.
pigeons, pigeons everywhere
dearie trying to tempt a pigeon to fly onto his hand.
st marks. packed with people!
doge's palace
on the left you can see a water taxi stand. the white motorboats are the water taxis. behind it is the gondola stand, and behind that is the water bus stop.
venice at night..even lovelier than it was in the day
venice has got to be one of my fav cities. the roads are canals, the public transport is boats, and their zebra crossings are kind of like the stairs and small bridges everywhere. it's a pretty place, but there isn't really much to do there. i think the entire city is just catered for tourists that's all. it's a place to visit, but probably not a very good place to live.
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