Tuesday, June 26, 2007


i just sort of gave up a decent, permanent job because i've planned to travel to the states in august, and it just doesnt make sense to take 3 weeks of leave after working for a month.

tell me i'm not crazy!

terence law yu xi! you better be nice to me over there! bahx.

but as they say, opportunities, good or bad, come by all the time. letting this one pass, might mean a better choice in the near future.

so, right now, i'm an official bummer! till the end of august.

to answer anonymous: i'm not exactly an arty farty person. i cant talk about literature or paintings or works of arts in depth, and i've never pretended i know a lot about them. all i know is that i like to watch plays and musicals, and i enjoyed les mis tremendously. i bought the album and i'm repeating the list of songs on my itunes.

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