Monday, February 19, 2007

happy happy chinese new year

chu xi

on the way to reunion dinner

chu yi

my darling bro and sis, and that's me in the middle, red like an ang bao.

mum and dad

lunch at home on chu er, it has been a long long long time since our family had a meal together on the same table at the same time....

it's steamboat time! i was never particularly fond of steamboat...because i'm a lazy bum and i prefer being served!


i've been feeling rather hermitish. i still get bored often, i dont think i'll ever stop feeling that way, even when i'm 40 or sth... but anyway when i check up my phone to see who i can ask out to, there doesnt seem to be any appealing number to dial, or any interesting to do for that matter. ok there are always my closest friends to hang out with, the people whom i can trust with my life, but haiya..everyone has their own lives. perhaps it's just the time of the year to spend some time aloonnne. cheers to solitude. what an ironic thing to say on chinese new year.

i've been rather aloof too. choosing to ignore my msn msgs to do my own stuff, ignoring smses, ignoring phone calls, or taking hell long to reply. i'm NOT being snobbish, or thinking i'm too good to reply anyone..i'm just...i dont know...S-I-A-N. nowadays, i just feel that everyone wants something from me..especially boys. so perhaps all you boys out there, you should just stay away from me, i'm wary, until the day you've proven that you can be trusted...i shall keep away.

my darling and fulin in holland. they were on their way to cologne in germany, and should have reached by now. hope you're having a great time dearie! and i miss you soo!

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