Monday, January 29, 2007

weekend fatigue

this weekend has been rather packed with work, leaving me slightly drained, with a combination of aching bones and fatigued eyes. my poor poor eyes..they're giving me problems these days, turning red for god knows what reason, always feeling swollen and i envy those with perfect vision!

was forunate enough to witness the chinese new yr light up ceremony at chinatown. had up close and personal experience with the PM! managed to take some pics, from an exclusive point of view. unforunately i think i didnt adjust the settings on my camera properly, so the pics didnt turn out very well. disappointed.... saw the fireworkers and firecrackers! loveeeely!

chinatown was packeeed....

the best pic of the fireworks i have. it was exploding right above me! the aftermath wasnt that fun though, when the ashes started raining down on us.

why is it that some people seem to know what they want right from the start, while others take years to realise... feeling a tad directionless again, feeling lousy... it's not that terrible is it? life is about exploring new grounds...each step i take might be wrong, but at least from it i learn something about myself..

haiya, ok i'm gonna sleep. dont wanna think. that's the problem, i always dont wanna think.

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