Tuesday, September 12, 2006

my inspiration

just sometimes...when things dont go according to the way i wish they could have, i feel this teeny weeny bit discouraged.. am i really that lousy??? although i'm really referring to two very different issues, i am still able to relate totoday's session.. it reminded me that everyone falls down once in a while..no one has it all easy..just that most of the time we cant tell by just merely threading on the surface. at some point, everyone will meet with difficulties, obstacles..feel demoralised, and just wanna give up.... but a winner is one who picks himself up during tough times!

haha, positive is the way to go.

it's easier to work together with people who are striving towards a common goal.

if you had to choose between an orange and an apple, which would it be? an apple which you've made a commitment to, or an orange which you love and enjoy. it's a matter of prioritising.....

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