Thursday, June 15, 2006

it has been a long time, since i last stepped into a club. yes i've been chilling out w friends, but i havent danced in a long while! so last night the trip to zouk was the first after..4 months? didnt particularly enjoy it. music wasnt good, we were packed like sardines at phuture until it got unbearably hot and irritable that we went off to zouk and finally out at 2am.

zouk is rather different from its old days. one could say it has lost its former glory, after the emergence of mos. it used to be packed to the brim by 11pm and there wont be any space at the bar because 1 for 1 would have started. but now..there is still plenty of free space around. it's only when the night comes later when the scene is reminiscent of its old days. nonetheless, zouk will always be zouk, irreplacable. the place where i have so many fond memories of. the place where i had numerous clubbing sessions with different groups of friends, the place where both my sci n eusoff pageant bashes were held, the place many events.

has clubbing really lost its significance to me? how is that possible?

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