Sunday, March 12, 2006

nus open house

the eusoff booth! i think amongst all the hall booths, ours was the cosiest and the most successful one. really really, and i'm being objective here. :x

credits to sheares hall for their mandarin orange booth! jas and i were so tickled by the orangey man that we couldnt resist taking a pic with him. n oh not to forget, the not-too-bad-but-still-lost-to eusoff odac booth.

so it was a tiring day spent yesterday, repeating the same words over and over again to batches of nus freshies to be. garnered all my enthusiasm to portray the 'best' hall image. was quite fun actually and met many juniors of mine from rj. the funny thing was that i could tell right away whether they were from rj or not. it's just this..six sense thingy.

met andre and ET for dinner after that. was too tired to talk much, didnt have to anyway cos those two just kept going on and on and on AND on about polo, which i have no clue to whatever they're saying. home sweet home after that and spent the night watching the pianist. good show. :)

oh yes i bought a top from future state. do you know they're having a storewide sale??? up to 50% discount. took a pic of myself in the fitting room because i wanted to mms dear and asked him whether i should buy the top. haha.

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