Thursday, November 24, 2005


it's earrrly in the morning..but after having my beauty sleep interrupted by some untimely phone call *eh heeeem* from SOME pple, i couldnt go back to sleep already. made some coffee for myself.. i loveeeee coffee and i neeeeeeeed coffee to start off the day. realised shoonie doesnt drink hot coffee in the morning. so sad! it's like me not liking to take spicy food (but i still eat laksa and curry) and durian, missing out on the good stuff in life..

ok i'm talking a bit of nonsense here. because it's early, i'm bored, and i dont feel like studying..yet. anyway three papers down! one more to go! the worse is over. ok not really, next mon's paper is supposed to be the toughest. 40 mcq that make up 60% of the overall grade..each mcq = 1.5 %! we got a taste of the killer mcq questions set by the lecturers during mid term.. aiya.. do i care? haha.. i'm just glad i only have to shade the ovals, and not write long long long essays. gosh i'm becoming lazier and lazier.

meeting kenny and joel and joel's gf (i think) for dinner tonight. i'm SO glad i'm meeting them. *joel i hope you're reading this!* you're the most horrible friend i've ever known!! as quoted from kenny, "joel is dead whenever he has a gf..". sigh..i want my pasta (although it tasted..hmm hmm...), my brocooli soup and city space!! but i guess not..cos joel is dead!! :p i miss the times we hang out together.. :(.. i'm starting to feel friendless.. where are you my friends??


"black or not..i love you.."

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