Tuesday, September 27, 2005


honestly i started off today thinking it'll be a crapped up day. first i had jap mid term test in the morning..woke up at 8.30 thinking that i'll do some last minute revision, but you know these things, it never works.. i did managed to drag almost out of bed, but i did everything else except studying. tidying my table, lying on the bed and staring into blank space.. luckily the test wasnt too difficult..in fact i think the test was so easy that i'm afraid everyone will score full marks, and i made some really silly mistakes.

met up with ivan to have lunch. we went to coffee club at harbourfront, after excluding holland v, cos it was difficult to find parking lots there, and sch..cos it was hot, crowded and has no air con.. haha.. anyway we had a nice quiet lunch, filled him up on the happenings in my life..and got a scolding from him haha.. alright i deserve it. thanks ivan, you managed to enlighten me on some issues.. :) you're right.. so right.. i'm still young, arent i..

went lecture late, talked through half of it, listened to a quarter of it, came out with not much more insights. and then went town to meet daming. we watched cinderella man. oh it was great. initially i was afraid it was going to be a gruesome, bloody boxing film, turned out it was a lot more than that.. it is a film about..love, between husband and wife, between parents and children, between friends..about surviving through poverty, about doing what you believe in even when all odds are against you..about giving hope to others.. ah. great show. :)

so my crapped up day turned out to be a lot better than what i had expected. back in hall. time does pass a lot easier and faster when i keep myself busy. keep me away from all the negative, draining, conclusion-less thoughts.

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