Tuesday, May 17, 2005


i'm tired. there are blisters on my toes cos i've been on my heels the entire day. my arms are aching from yesterday's workout. i havent been exercising for too long. my lips are still as dry as desert. n to think i drank like 7-8 bottles of mineral water today n it still didnt get better!! i know i had a lot of free time today to drink water.

my job today was to stand around and serve drinks. "good afternoon sir! any drinks for you? coffee or tea? beer?". yesh the company i was working for serves free tiger beer. after 5pm it seems like there was a social gathering at our booth. all the executives and exhibitors from other companies came and drank with the engineers from the company i'm working for. it was a maritime exhibition. men in navy uniforms, professionals in suits, old men, many foreigners. exhibition not opened to public, only to trade visitors and professionals. it was boring, but at least there is a girl to accompany me. she is from nus too. realised it's a damn small world. we happened to have many common friends. n yes i'm paid to do nothing, so it wasnt that bad.

the engineers were asking me about my course. life scis. everyone seemed to think it's an industry that has lots of prospects. oh haha they said the 2 industries are promising now are.. life sci and..CASINO course. haha damn funny. if only there is a casino course, i will take that over life sci anytime man. ok. crapping. maybe life sci isnt that bad after all sia? i can be a scientist right? scientist miss tay yiming. dr tay yiming. "dr tay, your DNA samples are ready." "dr tay, i've streaked your bacteria colonies" "dr tay, you left the tubes in the wrong slot for the mass spec!" "dr tay, you forgot to dilate the samples! re-do the titration results!"

oh man. it's getting at me. i'm going crazy.

ok better sign off before i start sprouting nonsense again.

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