Friday, April 29, 2005

thursday night out - indochine

went to chill out at indochine with sean, terence and lenny just now.. first intention was to go wala wala cos the band on thurs is supposed to be the best, but heaven didnt help us! no parking lots at holland v and we were too impatient to wait! anyway indochine was not too bad too.. lucky sean and lenny finished their papers today, whereas me and terence still have the horrible stats paper next thurs.. GRR.

freaky picture of me and sean. haha shadows cast on us.. we look like demons.

our drinks! terence - tropical beach (left) and mine - pretty in pink (right)

mine tasted unique at first.. but after a while it was kind of tasteless..? maybe cos the ice melted.. a mixture of tea, mango juice, orange juice and some syrup which i forgot the name of already. $7.50.. not exactly that worth it.. unless you have super power taste buds that can discern the different 'tints' of the drink.

the band

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