Saturday, April 30, 2005

the ONe

some random thoughts again! that crept up on me all of a sudden while i was studying stats. hmm wonder how people can marry their first gf/bf.. envy them in a way, cos they dun have to go through that much pain and suffering to find the ONE. but.. how would you know what you want if you havent had a few wrongs ones.. seriously i believe one needs to experience a few heartbreaks and/or break a few hearts to know what kind of partner you're looking for, and what sort of personality suits you.. haha but i'm not a very good example..

i've got a variety of bfs before ya.. tall, short, smart, not-so-smart, good looking, so-so, poor, rich beyond words, posessive, treats me like some goddess, treats me like shit..etc etc..

in the end sometimes what you think is important doesnt really matter.. in the end sometimes what a girl wants is just someone who is good to her, faithful, loves her..

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