Sunday, July 31, 2005

no rights, no wrongs..

i always thought that i should go ahead with something as long as it's not wrong.. and i've always done that..but now i realised.. sometimes the issue is not about whether something is right or wrong..'s about taking into consideration how another party would feel.

selfish. yeaps. i'm selfish, and i'm sorry for that.

so why cant you do whatever you damn like huh..well..sure you can if you're a hermit living on the himalayas..but nananana..too bad..we share the earth with billions of other human you have no right to be a self centred ass..


my nails are ruined. i need to go for a manicure.

oh that reminds me of an article i read on the straits times this morning, about ugly china tourists. a planeload of china tourists staged a sit in on a cathay pacific for 6 hours because they were unhappy about being delayed for 5 hours at the bangkok airport. so in the end the crew people have to give them each US$50 so they would get off. AIYOYo. should we applaud them for standing up for themselves..standing up for their own 'rights'..asserting the fact that they are not to be bullied.. or should they be condemned for being just a little too.. agressive?? everyone makes mistakes right..what say a machine.. and a big one too..

Saturday, July 30, 2005

fright night

i didnt realise how tired i was until i concussed for 2 hours after staying awake on the bed for 10 secs just now. my eyes are half the usual size now. unusually tiny cos they feel so heavy. i just cant open them! hah. will need to catch up on the sleep debt. camp has been fun. i'm tanner now, and HOPEFULLY a little bit skinnier (although i havent weigh myself..) with all the running around and profuse sweating under the hot sun. but i must admit i could have been a lot more enthusiatic if i wasnt feeling so tired. sometimes the heat just drain all the energy out of me. when i'm tired, i adopt a much laid back and 'whatever' attitude..and that's kind of..bad..

still..i did enjoy myself..a week more to go. :)

had fright night yesterday. acting as a ghost wasnt as fun as i imagined. firstly the body paint had to be applied very much early in advance, and it's extremely uncomfortable to have restricted facial expressions. also, i was one of the unlucky ghosts who had to have my hands and lips painted i couldnt touch anything..unless i want them to have white prints on it. i had difficulty eating. sigh.

i was stationed at the 2nd storey of an abandoned house at some ulu place in NUS. it's scary. hmm. i'll freak out if i had to go in there in the middle of the night by myself. i hid in cupboard in dimly lit room and basically jump out of them. my friend, another 'ghost', was to crawl out from another room, catch them by surprise, pretending to grab their ankles. try think of sadako crawling out from the tv.

me, the ghost

scarred.. okok i look damn ugly i know..haha..

blackie ghost..looks like darth vadar though..

well well..guys were generally braver than first the freshies went in pairs.. a girl and a guy.. some of the guys were really irritating, pretending they weren't scared at all..saying a lot of rubbish like "oh this is nothing la! what is there to be scared about! crap la.."...yeayea.. usually the one who talks the most, are the most scared ones.

there were several girls who were actually braver than the guys.. some were actually leading the guy, some remained calm whereas the guy screamed when they saw me. haha. i almost wanted to laugh out loud. a few girls cried before even entering the house, and cried even harder after they got scared.

heh. sounds sadistic but ya, we get a sense of perverse satisfaction when we scare people.. if not it's really damn boring la.. wait so long in the hot cupboard.. sweating like mad.. sweat dripping down.. face paint coming off.. you cant imagine the discomfit manz. gets rather sian after a while.. try jumping out of the cupboard 30 times. zzz... after an hour i couldnt wait to be done with it.. and fright night was from 7.30 - 11.30pm..4 hours!

Friday, July 29, 2005

today is the first day of the sci orientation. i cant believe it's like only day no. 1. it feels as if 48 hours has passed today. i'm so damn tired to the bones. i think i just have to close my eyes for 10 secs for me to fall asleep. i've done so much things today. ushering the freshies in, playing ice breakers, screaming and shouting cheers, running all over nus under the hot scorching sun playing games, playing interesting games such as secret pal - being blind folded and talking to another person who is blind folded and not allowed to reveal your identity, speed dating - talking to 10 people continously for 3 mins each.

having only 3 hours of sleep sure didnt help much. we played cards till was so damn uncomfortable sleeping on the hard tutorial room floor, and it was freezing cold!! whole body trembling when i woke up in the middle of night.. bad night's rest..

anyway i'm determined to get more rest tonight. sneaked back to hall to sleep. at last tonight i'm going to have my bed to myself. hmm..

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 home for the year to come..

my pretty quilt cover and pillow case and cute soft toys

my work desk..still in the midst of refurbishing..

my sci orientation group's banner..H.O.T stands for house of terror.'s a 3D mask with real hair hanging out..

closer view..yuck..looks damn scary eh..

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

no manners

i am so freaking ANGRY! this stupid totally uncouth, ill-mannered..umm..barbaric..china man just came to our counter. screamed at the top of his voice, accusing my mum that his money hasnt been remitted. claimed that my mum doesnt know how to run a business..and he practically threw his receipt into my mum's face. DAMN HIM! hello there were other customers present! oh yes, can i add that he actually told the customers to go away and not do business with my mum, saying our service is slow?? ok my mum, having been experienced in dealing with these creatures, remained cool and calm, called up the bank to check..and guess what..the money HAS BEEN remitted can??? that stupid irritating FOOL. making accusations when he hasnt even gotten his facts right. wish i could give him a TIGHT SLAP and kick his ass. he didnt even have the courtesy to apologise when he realised he has made a mistake.. grrrrrrrrrrrrr...what is wrong with these people.. havent they been taught any manners at all??


i'm addicted! addicted to this book called the undomestic goddess by sophie kinsella. i stumbled upon this book last night on my bed, read the synopsis and since then, have been reading it every opportunity i had! the book is awesome!! if i'm not wrong, the same auther has written the shopaholic series. i read one of it previously and thought it was boring. but this current one is great..not awesome in the da vinci code kind of awesome..just look at the title..doesnt seem to imply that the book is intellectual right.. the book is hilarious..funny..i actually chuckled to myself while reading it on the mrt. ok so it's about this extremely stressed up lawyer who works 44 hours a day, who made a grave mistake that wreaked her career, and then walked out of her office, got on the first train and finds herself in the middle of nowhere. she then got mistaken as a housekeeper and jiang cuo jiu cuo, carried on her pretense cos she had nowhere to go. she is a cambridge-educated lawyer, with an IQ of 158, but she doesnt know how to iron, or cook, or do laundry...and so the story continues..

so everyone is talking about harry potter now..hmm heard it's good although i've yet to read it. someone told me the ending.. GRRRR..damn. JASMINE sia dont forget to lend me when you're done with it. lala..

had dinner with eng tat and jas at crystal jade and dessert at..what is that posh place opposite forum? the mamelade pantry? not sure whether i got the name right.. nice little cosy place.. we had cupcakes (glup..partly cos it's the cheapest thing on the menu..$3.50 each)..nicey.. :) met up with bf after that and then i'm now working for my mum. busy night..

Sunday, July 24, 2005

air port

this pic is taken at the brisbane airport before i left for singapore. haha i know it has been quite some time since i left, but i couldnt resist posting this pic up.. SO CUTE!! my bro's friends acting cute with me..hahah.. they claim that that is my favourite pose cos i'm always doing that in my photos..

bang bang

acting gu niang

Saturday, July 23, 2005

another month..

dinner at nooch..paragon.. nooch has a really huge variety of noodles, thai, jap, south-east asian..rice as well..i had seafood pan fried rice..yumyum that was good although it looked no different from ordinary fried rice that you eat at hawker centres.

3rd month roses for me!!


went to dear's grandma's place to deliver the lao po bing he bought back from hk. his grandparents were really delighted to see him, although it wasn't like expressed explicitly? they made us stay for dinner.. hmm.. triggered some feelings of shamefulness in me.. cos i've never been able to develop a close relationships with mine. there's the barrier of language, i cant exactly speak fluent hokkien..only simple phrases like.. eaten already cha ba liao, havent ah ber, bathing zang ey, telephone dian wei, go out chu ke, study tuck cey..ahahah that's abt you can see my hokkien vocabulary is painfully limited..

aiyo..dear looks constipated..HAHA..(ok dear i'm kidding..:p)

dear reading my blog!

theee place..

Thursday, July 21, 2005


how do you feel when someone says you're pretty/handsome?

elated? happy? flattered?
a beaming smile? a slight upturning of the mouth? or strangely emotionless.

how do you feel when someone says you're intelligent?

disbelief? doubtful?

how do you feel when someone says,"i can see you as a very successful woman in future"?

pressurised? stunned? surprised?

all of us get compliments every now and then. recently, i received some from a friend that made me feel surprised. surprised that other people will see me as something i've never thought myself to be. sometimes it's just so weird hearing how someone else use words, that you would normally use to describe other people, on you.


i had a nicey day. :) spent a good 3 hours in the science canteen, just chit-chatting with sean, henderick and fellow ogls in my science orientation group. it actually felt good coming back to school again after so long..felt a sense of familiarity and warmth. haha. weird eh. guess i wont miss it all that long, starting from next week, i'll be there practically everyday. hmm speaking of which, i'll be moving back to hall next week too. staying just a floor above where i stayed the previous sem. feeling a tinge of excitement about moving back and seeing everyone again!

did i tell you i'm involved in fright night? i'll be acting as a ghost! heard the face paint and everything is really cool..

met weixiong and hanfai for dinner at suntec. we had kushibo for dinner. japanese buffet. uMmhMm..sushi, ice cream, desserts, teppanyaki..everything you want, they have it. the food is great, large variety..the only downside is the price..$31 per adult?? oh mi god. haha. i ate till i was bloated, even though i cant say i really ate THAT much.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


yumyum..dinner at ajisen with my dearie last night..the food there is not too bad..

life's delicacy..soft pork bone ramen..

soft shell crab

we cinema hopped quite a bit..from cine to lido and then to ps.. hahah poor bf.. we wanted to watch the island and cathay was fully packed.. we finally realised at the end of it only cathay is showing it early! the show is only officially opening on the 21st.. sheesh.. in the end we caught this movie called "all about dogs". i was hoping it would be something like..heartwarming? started off really BAD. BAD BAD BAD. it's japanese, and it started off with some lame old japanese dancing around like clowns, singing some stupid song related to dogs. but as the show turned out to be not that unwatchable. consists of a series of short stories..and..surprise surprise..turned out to be pretty touching.. :)

hidden interests

i vowed i should stop spending so much money on clothes..after all i've already spent quite a bit in aussie.. made a trip to borders thinking i'll be safe..and guess what?? came out with 2 new books!! haha..i admit i can be quite an impulsive shopper at times.. i bought the books below at a bargain price.. yes they were on sale..and they looked real interesting! time to enrich myself..

this book has really nice pics inside..haha..real interesting!! can generate ideas to decorating my own apartment next time..although it'll be a long time from now..

pursuing my interest in astronomy.. did you know i was once in raffles astro club?? hahah..used to be able to read star maps leh.. dont play play..

Sunday, July 17, 2005

topics of conversation

ok tay yiming is a really good girl today and didnt go out at all, so i'm like really bored. b-o-r-e-d.

i realised when people chat, the topics can be divided into 2 general sections. one of which is you talk about facts, current affairs that are happening, eg. what is the city of spain? how did you find uk? do cats love fish? etc etc. topics that require some sort of background knowledge and wisdom. topics that if you know nothing about, you'll tend to retreat into a corner, unless you're the inquistive sort and you go like,"oh really? i didnt know that. so what is it really like? so is it really that that?" blah blah.. you ask questions, and perhaps link it to sth that you actually know. you cant contribute, unless you know the topic.

second topic of conversation, revolves around people, live things, feelings, emotions. what do you think about this person? what are your dreams? how many kids do you want in future? basically the thing you need to be equipped with to answer these questions is the ability to.. speak. you dont need any common sense to know what your dream is.

*shrugs* just some thoughts.

home bitter home

i'm home! and not particularly happy.. would have love to stay longer but..oh well i've been there long enough, and there are stuff to be done. home is home, no matter how hot and humid and stressful it might be. hah. had an unpleasant account with the rudest taxi driver the moment i touched down. dad was fetching me back home,we were at this small road when a cab driver just barged in from the opposite direction , causing both cars to be stuck. furthermore there was another car illegally parked beside us, hence it was too narrow for us to pass. the most obvious thing to do was for the taxi driver to reverse and let us go first because:

1. we were there first
2. even if my dad reversed, the angle was all wrong, the cab wont be able to pass through also.

BUT you know what that stupid idiotic old man did? he wind down his window, and started hurling insults at my dad! "cant you see it's broad enough? just drive la! turn here full lock, nonono wrong wrong la stupid, not so much. hello uncle, you how old already? just got your license is it? like that also dont know how to drive." I MEAN HELLO. my dad is 54, and he has been driving for least 30 yrs?? and that stupid old man was saying my dad cannot drive or judge whether the space is large enough to fit a camry??

i was SO FUMING mad that i scolded him,"hello uncle, you too old liao is it? it's obviously too narrow for us to pass through, if you could only just reverse and stop screaming like a madman, we would be able to move easily."

THEn he shouted at me can! called me a ji po! and asked me to come down and fight.. i almost wanted to laugh out loud. how ridiculous can one get. an man in his seventies wanting to fight with a 20 yr old girl?? oh man, he is so childish! i think he is in danger of getting a stroke and high blood pressure. anyway after that i couldnt be bothered to say anything more since the man was evidently beyond reason. so i stuck out my tongue, gave him my most mocking smile, and "lai la, shui pa shui" look.

eventually we managed to squeeze through that narrow gap after some help from onlookers. my only regret was i didnt take down his car plate number, so i coulc make a complaint. i admit maybe i should have kept quiet instead of stooping down to his level. BUT i couldnt take it when he insulted my dad. and knowing my dad, he wont say anything. SIGh. if i was a guy, i would have pointed my third finger at him, but of course, i'm not that crude, i'm a lady. haha.

so that was my first incident in singapore, since i came back. sigh. ugly singaporeans. i cant help thinking, what if there were tourists on the car? he will be the utter disgrace of us.

ok i'll leave it at that.

Friday, July 15, 2005

the last night

family photo!

ahhaaa..nothing much to eat..

greenies..hmm good for health..

let's tuck in!

thought this pic looks rather nice with all the colours behind!

without me

Thursday, July 14, 2005


i'm feeling so lacklustre now. i even closed my msn because i dont feel like talking to anyone. think the main reason why i'm feeling like that is fatigue. not enough sleep after last night's mahjong session! haha i won $8!! okok i know it's not a lot..but still..? the point is i won! but i must admit i had a lot of help from shawn and jasper (bro's buddies).. learnt quite a bit..

anyway coming back to the subject of gambling.. went to brisbane's casino the day before yesterday in the wee hours of the morning and after a couple of hours..tata..there emerged winners and losers. i witnessed how gambling has the power to make one a millionaire or a pauper overnight. which is why i never like to gamble..cos i dont like to subject my/my mum's hard earned money to luck. i mean seriously..for some games i would say whether you win or's really purely based on luck, and nothing else.. there is equal possiblity that you'll win or lose.. so.. i rather not take my chances yet, unless of course, i can afford to lose.

mahjong is different though. it actually doubles up as a form of socialising activity. and who was it who told me that playing mahjong prevents lao ren chi dai zheng(becoming senile?) at old age?

balance. yup the word is balance. know your limits. and stay away away from the boundary to obsession..

they just showed the season finale for OC. i roughly know what is going to happen..

i like the people here cos they are so uninhibited. they will do whatever they want, without a toot for what others might think. the word 'paiseh' doesnt exist in their lexicon. we need more of that quality in asians! we are too thin skinned for our own good.

OH NO. one and a half more day here in aussie. and then back to..heat, sweat, stress..and then..SCHOOL! wo bu yao..........

city snapshots

gun to gun, point to point

clock tower

macs takeaway come there arent any of that in sg...

jasper and me: ooooooooooo...the art of opening your mouth when having your photo taken for something more natural..

the new place

cosy little kitchen

view from the balcony..not spectacular, but somehow manage to induce tranquility..

train station..guess you cant see very clearly from here..but it's really soo near to home..

ahhaa experimenting with art of mirror photography. not very successful as you can see..caught only an eye of mine. messy bed behind.

hole in pocket

got this for $ eh..

clearer view of my half price nine west heels


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

bro's uni

HELLO!!! i'm at QUT, my bro's university library. bro has just moved to a nicer and bigger apartment and the internet access hasn't been set up yet, i am! the weather is fantastic now, cool but warm enough to walk without sweater. ahh so happy now haha. :)

bro's new apartment is nice, big, clean and next to the river!! but of course you cant see the river from his place, cos that would mean the rent for the apartment would cost a bomb. but just below it is a moderately posh restaurant, the train station is a stone's throw away, the cinema is 5 mins walk, the river is just..50 m away..


yesterday was a day packed with money transactions. ah that sounds weird. ok let me explain. we went casino in the afternoon, shopped, went back and played mahjong (which i lost $6 and zha hu once! dammit..i was like a pri sch kid playing against masters' students) , and then dinner


to be continued..

Monday, July 11, 2005

sydney girl

back from sydney in brisbane after a long long week! so packed are my days with activities that i rarely had time to sit down and ponder over the things i've done and seen..until now..left behind the nasty weather in sydney.. rain pouring and wind howling as temperatures dropped.. brr.. it was almost torturous walking on the streets at night! clutching my jacket closer to my skin, i felt as though my internal organs were going to freeze anytime.

this aussie trip so far..has been great! i'm really having loads of fun.. cant say i've seen any 'wonders', after all both brisbane and sydney are cities. how fantastic can they be.. but all the interactions with people..made me feel that my perspective of life has been widened.

it's different coming to a place as a tourist, and as a resident. i'm a tourist, living like a resident here, because the people i hang out with stay there, so i live like them.

i went to chill out places and had drinks with friends at nights. i visited a supposedly rather posh strip club. it felt weird watching women in g strings, bras and garter belts strip..and do slutty poses for the men and a little of pole dancing. sexy? yes. the power to turn on guys? i dont know, since i'm not a guy. but the guys i was with all looked damn bored (or maybe they were just pretending to be bored). but isnt it like..really cheap? degrading? humiliating? what if their friends see them? how are they ever going to get married?

oh well, but i supposed there is a story behind everybody.

watched fantastic four. woh the movie tic costs $12 in twice of that in brisbane? the show was me.. the comments from my friends was that it was boring and they almost fell asleep. but that could be because we were watching the midnight show.

did plenty of shopping too.. got lots of good buys!! you can really find cheap and stuff that you would want to buy at sales. like in AX, fcuk and nine west. i bought a pair of heels from nine west at half price!! so happy..hehe..

my buys:

i've got more..but i am having prob uploading the pics up..

the people here are so friendly. it's so common to just strike up a conversation here with strangers. not those sleazy pick up lines that guys use to pick up girls. but real, sincere conversations. like once, we were in a carriage of the monorail, there were us, a middle aged couple and a mother with a child. we asked for some directions and then ended up chatting for that short period of time we were on the monorail. the old couple was from new zealand, and they were in the middle of travelling around the world or sth like that. it was so heart warming listening to them smile and laugh and being so loving. gues i'm not exactly depicting the scene very well.. hah just try to imagine yourself!

this might sound weird but there was this particular moment that i thought the friendliness actually freak me out. takes some getting used to. after all we asians are bornt from a different culture and environment. not used to such chattiness. you now if someone around me sometimes becomes sooo friendly, sooo helpful and sooo chatty, i might wonder if he is being hypocritical. hm, i might be just narrow minded. mind-broadening in progress!

n oooh yesh, my friends happened to download a lot of reality shows and dramas. one of which is called beauty and the geek. it's of great entertainment value..think one day they will show it in singapore. it's game..women and men are paired up, a beauty and a geek. beauties are to learn about different subjects each time, eg. rocket science, camping, maths etc..and geeks are to learn about women's fashion, dating girls, pick up lines.. couples compete each week in some sort of challenge and each week one pair gets kicked out. damn interesting to watch la..i finished the whole series.. hah..

things i like abt sydney:
1. weather (despite my perpetual complaints abt the cold)
2. the bustle and hustle..there are activities going on and every time of the day.. i saw people queuing up to enter a club at 4am!
3. the shopping..although it's expensive
4. the people - friendly
5. the train, it's like sitting on a double deck bus, only with nicer view and no jams.
6. the river. much nicer than boat quay

things i hate abt sydney:
expensive ..
1. movie tics
3. accomodation - my friends' 2 room apartment in city costs $520 per week??
4. transport fares
5. clothes

ok it's 5.10am. i'm exhausted. time to go to bed. nitez.

me no. 1: posing at the train station..starting off the day.. the train system is so so so much more complicated that singapore's.. there can be up to 20 plus platforms in one station..

me no. 2: going up train station

me no. 3: central train station

me no. 4: shopping centre

me no. 5: police court

me no. 6: church


me looking like an idiot

whoo hooo