Sunday, July 17, 2005

topics of conversation

ok tay yiming is a really good girl today and didnt go out at all, so i'm like really bored. b-o-r-e-d.

i realised when people chat, the topics can be divided into 2 general sections. one of which is you talk about facts, current affairs that are happening, eg. what is the city of spain? how did you find uk? do cats love fish? etc etc. topics that require some sort of background knowledge and wisdom. topics that if you know nothing about, you'll tend to retreat into a corner, unless you're the inquistive sort and you go like,"oh really? i didnt know that. so what is it really like? so is it really that that?" blah blah.. you ask questions, and perhaps link it to sth that you actually know. you cant contribute, unless you know the topic.

second topic of conversation, revolves around people, live things, feelings, emotions. what do you think about this person? what are your dreams? how many kids do you want in future? basically the thing you need to be equipped with to answer these questions is the ability to.. speak. you dont need any common sense to know what your dream is.

*shrugs* just some thoughts.

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