Tuesday, July 26, 2005

no manners

i am so freaking ANGRY! this stupid totally uncouth, ill-mannered..umm..barbaric..china man just came to our counter. screamed at the top of his voice, accusing my mum that his money hasnt been remitted. claimed that my mum doesnt know how to run a business..and he practically threw his receipt into my mum's face. DAMN HIM! hello there were other customers present! oh yes, can i add that he actually told the customers to go away and not do business with my mum, saying our service is slow?? ok my mum, having been experienced in dealing with these creatures, remained cool and calm, called up the bank to check..and guess what..the money HAS BEEN remitted can??? that stupid irritating FOOL. making accusations when he hasnt even gotten his facts right. wish i could give him a TIGHT SLAP and kick his ass. he didnt even have the courtesy to apologise when he realised he has made a mistake.. grrrrrrrrrrrrr...what is wrong with these people.. havent they been taught any manners at all??

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