Friday, July 29, 2005

today is the first day of the sci orientation. i cant believe it's like only day no. 1. it feels as if 48 hours has passed today. i'm so damn tired to the bones. i think i just have to close my eyes for 10 secs for me to fall asleep. i've done so much things today. ushering the freshies in, playing ice breakers, screaming and shouting cheers, running all over nus under the hot scorching sun playing games, playing interesting games such as secret pal - being blind folded and talking to another person who is blind folded and not allowed to reveal your identity, speed dating - talking to 10 people continously for 3 mins each.

having only 3 hours of sleep sure didnt help much. we played cards till was so damn uncomfortable sleeping on the hard tutorial room floor, and it was freezing cold!! whole body trembling when i woke up in the middle of night.. bad night's rest..

anyway i'm determined to get more rest tonight. sneaked back to hall to sleep. at last tonight i'm going to have my bed to myself. hmm..

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