Thursday, July 21, 2005


i had a nicey day. :) spent a good 3 hours in the science canteen, just chit-chatting with sean, henderick and fellow ogls in my science orientation group. it actually felt good coming back to school again after so long..felt a sense of familiarity and warmth. haha. weird eh. guess i wont miss it all that long, starting from next week, i'll be there practically everyday. hmm speaking of which, i'll be moving back to hall next week too. staying just a floor above where i stayed the previous sem. feeling a tinge of excitement about moving back and seeing everyone again!

did i tell you i'm involved in fright night? i'll be acting as a ghost! heard the face paint and everything is really cool..

met weixiong and hanfai for dinner at suntec. we had kushibo for dinner. japanese buffet. uMmhMm..sushi, ice cream, desserts, teppanyaki..everything you want, they have it. the food is great, large variety..the only downside is the price..$31 per adult?? oh mi god. haha. i ate till i was bloated, even though i cant say i really ate THAT much.

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