Wednesday, July 20, 2005


yumyum..dinner at ajisen with my dearie last night..the food there is not too bad..

life's delicacy..soft pork bone ramen..

soft shell crab

we cinema hopped quite a bit..from cine to lido and then to ps.. hahah poor bf.. we wanted to watch the island and cathay was fully packed.. we finally realised at the end of it only cathay is showing it early! the show is only officially opening on the 21st.. sheesh.. in the end we caught this movie called "all about dogs". i was hoping it would be something like..heartwarming? started off really BAD. BAD BAD BAD. it's japanese, and it started off with some lame old japanese dancing around like clowns, singing some stupid song related to dogs. but as the show turned out to be not that unwatchable. consists of a series of short stories..and..surprise surprise..turned out to be pretty touching.. :)

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