Wednesday, July 13, 2005

bro's uni

HELLO!!! i'm at QUT, my bro's university library. bro has just moved to a nicer and bigger apartment and the internet access hasn't been set up yet, i am! the weather is fantastic now, cool but warm enough to walk without sweater. ahh so happy now haha. :)

bro's new apartment is nice, big, clean and next to the river!! but of course you cant see the river from his place, cos that would mean the rent for the apartment would cost a bomb. but just below it is a moderately posh restaurant, the train station is a stone's throw away, the cinema is 5 mins walk, the river is just..50 m away..


yesterday was a day packed with money transactions. ah that sounds weird. ok let me explain. we went casino in the afternoon, shopped, went back and played mahjong (which i lost $6 and zha hu once! dammit..i was like a pri sch kid playing against masters' students) , and then dinner


to be continued..

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