Thursday, July 14, 2005


i'm feeling so lacklustre now. i even closed my msn because i dont feel like talking to anyone. think the main reason why i'm feeling like that is fatigue. not enough sleep after last night's mahjong session! haha i won $8!! okok i know it's not a lot..but still..? the point is i won! but i must admit i had a lot of help from shawn and jasper (bro's buddies).. learnt quite a bit..

anyway coming back to the subject of gambling.. went to brisbane's casino the day before yesterday in the wee hours of the morning and after a couple of hours..tata..there emerged winners and losers. i witnessed how gambling has the power to make one a millionaire or a pauper overnight. which is why i never like to gamble..cos i dont like to subject my/my mum's hard earned money to luck. i mean seriously..for some games i would say whether you win or's really purely based on luck, and nothing else.. there is equal possiblity that you'll win or lose.. so.. i rather not take my chances yet, unless of course, i can afford to lose.

mahjong is different though. it actually doubles up as a form of socialising activity. and who was it who told me that playing mahjong prevents lao ren chi dai zheng(becoming senile?) at old age?

balance. yup the word is balance. know your limits. and stay away away from the boundary to obsession..

they just showed the season finale for OC. i roughly know what is going to happen..

i like the people here cos they are so uninhibited. they will do whatever they want, without a toot for what others might think. the word 'paiseh' doesnt exist in their lexicon. we need more of that quality in asians! we are too thin skinned for our own good.

OH NO. one and a half more day here in aussie. and then back to..heat, sweat, stress..and then..SCHOOL! wo bu yao..........

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