Tuesday, July 05, 2005


is it true that as the city becomes more citified, the people become less and less friendly? in brisbane, everyone greets you with "how are you?"..and i really mean EVERYONE. shopping for 1 hour means i have to answer "fine, thank you." like 20 times. seriously. you can also sit on the car and wave to all the passer bys.."hey there! how are you doing!" and they will shout and wave back. waiting for the traffic light to turn green is socialising time with the passenger/driver next to you. when will you ever get that in sg?? singaporeans will just throw you the dirty look and think "this person siao eh". people in sydney are not that friendly here though. the spontaneity is still evident..but to a lesser degree.. this guy was waiting by the traffic lights with a windscreen cleaner in his hand. when our car stopped he came up and cleaned our windscreen! just like that! we didnt even make any indication that we want anything. well we are nice people so we paid him lor.. even though he made the windscreen even dirtier.. hah..

oh i've diverted from my topic again. as i was saying, the pace of life is significantly faster here. does that deteriorate the quality of service? hM..not exactly true also hor.. japan is advanced but they have fantastic service. it's in the culture.. it's innate.. some are artifical, trained, practiced...forced! ahha.. confused by myself. gonna go anyway.

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